That Urban Outfitters Twitter Lyfe #killingit

Many companies start a Twitter and basically spend the whole time posting about their products without trying to interact with their followers. Urban Outfitters seems to have found the correct balance between sharing their products and still offering funny commentary that keep their followers coming back for more.


I read this and was like…”Yeah! I agree!” Does this say anything about their product or new clothes on sale? No. But it was funny, relevant to today’s current music, and most people would probably agree with this statement. Most importantly, it kept me going through their Twitter Feed. If they have a tweet like this, then there are probably more waiting to be read and enjoyed.

Literally the next tweet was:


I clicked on the link and bam, we were at the Urban Outfitters website, in the shoe section. And the best part? I wasn’t annoyed, not one bit. They could have just posted a tweet saying, “Check out our wide selection of shoes!” Maybe that would attract people who wanted to look for shoes in the moment, but how many people are on Twitter looking for shoes? Not many. This was a clever way to get people to check out their shoe collection. I felt more positive about buying shoes, just because they hooked me with a clever line. I thought I was being taken to a photo of 500 shoes…but then it was their website and the marketing major in me was like, “Niceeeeee.”

The best part though? All of their tweets are like that. They have enticing lead-ins to a link to their website, which features a collection or new outfits. I’m more likely to go visit their website if I know that they have put some thought into their tweets. Why? I don’t know, but it’s engaging and I love it.

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Honestly, this feels like something I would say if I saw a pair of shorts that I really wanted. Also, even though there was a photo attached, I still found myself clicking on the link to Urban’s website in order to see the shorts again and evaluate whether or not I would actually purchase them.

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Also, what does this have to do with Urban Outfitters? Nothing. But people know Mean Girls, people watch Netflix, and this is a great way for Urban to connect with their followers without selling them anything. Also, now Urban just isn’t a place for you to get clothing, it’ll keep you updated on what’s on Netflix. They are making their Twitter a resource for their followers that goes beyond just selling clothing, which will help their brand image immensely. Their followers are going to start trusting Urban more than if they were only posting tweets about the clothing they sell.

Lastly, I’ll leave you with some more tweets to show the way they structure their product advertisement and random thoughts to appeal to their followers:

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